Theater Department Major

Insect Play by Josef and Karel Capek – Fall 2008
Goals for the Theater Major:
Theater majors will
Become innovative theater makers:
· develop the ability to tell stories across the theatrical disciplines
· develop the ability to express a point of view with an original voice
· develop the ability to craft and communicate an artistic vision
· develop a personal vision statement based on their unique talents and unique contributions to the field
· develop an entrepreneurial spirit
· develop the ability to produce, create, support, and / or appreciate original work
Develop the habits of mind and skills of a professional theater artist:
· be conversant with the vocabulary of the theater
· be conversant with the professional practices in the industry
· gain an understanding of all areas of theater practice
· gain a specialized knowledge of at least one area of theater practice
· develop technical and artistic skills that can be adapted and applied to other areas of theater practice and / or to other disciplines
· have the ability to transfer the skills they have learned in the classroom to professional practice
· collaborate across the disciplines of theatrical practice
· offer respectful responses to others’ work and remain open to feedback offered by others
· learn by doing
· reinforce their own learning by teaching others
Engage with the cultural and intellectual contexts in which the theater artist works:
· understand the moral, intellectual and political context in which the theater artist practices
· develop (inter and intra)cultural awareness
· understand theater practice in its historical context
· transform theory into practice
· develop the capacity to interrogate ideas and challenge the self and others while exploring and responding to all forms of theater-making
· encourage difficult conversations, ask important questions about cultural representation, provide a place for interrogating power dynamics, and give voice to marginalized groups.
· develop an understanding of the theater artist’s responsibility to their audiences, communities, and larger society