
Back County Crimes

Lanie Robertson

Dave Demke

Back County Crimes is the story of a small rural town, as told by the town’s family doctor. It’s a poetic tale of forbidden love affairs, sordid murders, tragic misunderstandings, and comic endeavors, similar to Thornton Wilder’s Our Town but with an edge. Playwrights Lanie Robertson has a savvy sense of black comedy, setting the play “in the little town of Duty in the county known as Love.” Music and singing fill the play, as a gallery of characters move through compellingly tragic, or caustically comic vignettes. As the town doctor’s memories come to life in front of us, we are shown a tapestry of the best and worst of humanity. In the end we are left with a haunting affirmation of life, ready to embrace the themes of duty and love with new understanding.


Production Info

Dates & Tickets

November 15-17 and November 21-24, 2013
Tickets are not availabile at this time