TH343A Collabs (Schebetta)
TH343D: Collabs (Klein)
TUES/THURS 3:30-5:30pm
*Note: register for one of the two classes – they are two sections meeting at the same time
E(x)-Making: We will EXplore, EXamine, EXpand our practice of making. Our obstacles become tools, our tools become the medium.
We’re expanding the idea of Collabs class for a digital world and for multi-disciplinary work, including writers, designers, dramaturgs as well as actors and directors. What does it mean to make a performance in this particular historical moment and with the technological tools that we have at our disposal? How can we use digital platforms as a way to tell theatrical stories? What can this new way of working reveal about our own humanity, about how we connect and can be present with each other? How can we make a performance that has the same electric feeling as a live show but transfer that idea of presence to the digital stage?
Through intense online collaboration, we will challenge you to make three different original performance projects that respond to the moment through creative prompts. You will strengthen your base of skills but also broaden your horizons as you are asked to rotate into creative roles outside of your own expertise. Actors will have the chance to write, direct or design and designers will have the chance to perform or direct. The class projects will have scheduled public premieres and/or online presentations so we can share the work with the greater community.
Instructor permission is required and we recommend that students take at least two of these fundamental theater courses (TH104, TH204, TH140, TH240, TH129, TH130)